scary and bizarre Mel Gibson
This is soooo rich readers.
Apparently Mel Gibson is one of those 'special needs' Catholics who only likes the Church when it works 'for him'. Otherwise, he's terrified of it, especially when his BILLION dollar fortune is at stake and a Filipino judge is holding the gavel!
Mel Gibson, the whacked out crazy eyed radical anti Semitic homophobic binge drinking skirt chasing uber radical 'no nonsense' Catholic has demanded and achieved the sacking of Filipino Judge Rafael Ongkeko from his divorce case with his wife of 28 years Robin. Read on....
Gibson's high-powered legal team, headed by celebrity divorce attorney Robert Kaufman, argued would be prejudiced against him.
The Los Angeles Superior Court agreed to the request.
Documents released by the court revealed the notoriously tough Kaufman's doubts about Judge Ongkeko, who has presided over mental health and civil matters since 2002 after more than two decades in private and civil practice.
"Rafael Ongkeko ... is prejudiced against the respondent and/or the respondent's attorney,'' Mr Kaufman said.
"(The lawyer) and/or the respondent believes that he cannot have a fair and impartial trial or hearing before Judge Ongkeko.''
Gibson, 53, and his wife of 28 years Robyn Moore, 53, filed for divorce last Monday.
Judge Ongkeko has established a reputation as an active advocate of diversity in the courts and his community.
When he was boy, his family fled to the US from The Philippines, which is a Catholic stronghold where the Vatican wields heavy influence.
Gibson observes a form of Catholicism that does not recognise the Vatican or the Pope. His Holy Family Chapel, a church he built not far from the family's Malibu home, adheres to a strict, traditional Catholicism which pre-dates the Vatican's modernisation of the faith.
Women who worship at the Holy Family must wear long skirts and head coverings and parishioners attend the ancient Latin Mass.
As for Gibson's marriage to Moore, those close to the couple say they have established separate lives.
The actor claims that he and Moore separated in 2006, one month after his infamous drunken anti-Jewish rant.
Moore does not give a separation date in her filing: the longer their relationship, the bigger her likely cut of the Gibson fortune.
Judge Fred Shaller will now cover the case.
By Carly Crawford- Sydney TelegraphApril 19, 2009 12:00am

I loved Mel when he was HOT and normal.....
PS, read Trixie Cruz Angeles's article on Ted Failon in today's edition of Victorina blog! (link on blog left) It's GREAT!