06 April 2009

Oliver's INCREDIBLE Dolls


I've never promoted anything on this blog in the commercial sense before.
That is not what my blog is about.
That's Chuvaness and I love her blog even though her blog makes me feel poorish.... hahahaha.

BUT, I have to make an exception for this brilliant Filipino designer come doll maker, Oliver.
I am a HUGE fan and I've fallen for his little creations.

I just have to say that I think Oliver has some incredible talent and his product is flawless in it's design and execution. His little dolls have 'personalities'.

I LOVE Oliver's dolls so much.
Not just for kids....

Oliver DESERVES to succeed!
The world needs his dolls and his message behind them.

Oliver is a hard working Filipino!
He's great just like his amazing dolls.
Visit his site and see how much energy and dedication Oliver has put into his passion for doll design from their conception to their creation....

And the Angel Pig with wings.
And the Crazy Bunnies.
And I triple love his Voodoo dolls!!!!!
I also love his 'skull pins' with cushion.
SOOOOO cool.
And the packaging and presentation is great.
Oliver has created 'do it yourself' Voodoo doll kits with accessories... hahaha fantastic! You must check out his site. So great.

contact Oliver to order- @ olivermakesdolls@gmail.com

please click link to see Oliver's gorgeous creations