26 January 2010

Twis Twitter Twuly Twover?

The Twitter phenomenon is dying and the bird has flatlined

(CNN) -- It was the upstart rock star of the Internet in early 2009, roaring out of relative obscurity to become one of the most exposed -- some would say overexposed -- services on the Web.

But since the middle of last year, the number of Twitter users has flatlined.

Compete, a Web analytics firm, says the microblogging site's number of visitors hasn't changed much since June and that its roughly 22 million visitors in December was about 770,000 fewer than its highest number, which was in August.

Multiple other analysts paint the same picture, raising the question: Has Twitter peaked?

"Maybe Twitter was a victim of its own success," said Andrew Lipsman, an analyst at comScore, another company that tracks traffic on Internet sites. "It grew so quickly that it isn't meeting its own expectations."

Dear Readers,

Let me first start off by stating how much I love my fantastic fellow twitter tweeters who follow my twitter @ Twitter BryShane
The thing is, my twitter site bores me... even with my new flash layout.
And it seems I'm not alone because "twitter fatigue" is indeed going global.
Twitter has flatlined as many suspected it would.
It seems that tech users have stopped signing up to tweet due to facebooks powerful hold being enough for most mid ranged social networkers.
It's being reported that "twitter just takes too much time?"
Personally, I'd much rather read facebook updates than twitter updates.
I actually think people save their best shout outs for facebook anyways because twitter tweets are for the most part mind numbingly boring 140 characters or less statements (mine included).
I like many other people need visual stimuli with my social networking.
I'm all about the visual.

I'm actually bored with my twitter.
Maybe because I have nothing to report!
Maybe my life has become so ordinary, I'm boring.

I'll continue twittering though because I wouldn't dream of abandoning my fellow tweeters.
Join my twitter if you want because I could super love it again next week!
It's a Sybil thing.

Do you Twitter?
Do you like the social networking platform?

Click HERE for complete article from CNN.
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