Why I Blog

Hey Bry my friend

tell me more about yourself....educate me on HIV/AIDS and whats happening to u. Im confused and im in the same boat as a lot of people still not knowing a lot about HIV/AIDS. I guess its my own ignorance really but its not something that comes up a lot in society. I wish to more about U

love chris

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Hi Brian

So wonderful to get your message. I was feeling a bit down and went for out for our normal evening stroll around the units. Thought I'd just check the email before going to bed. So proud of what you have done Brian. Your a real trouper and an inspiration. So wonderful that you have got your life together there and can express yourself through art and poetry. I read your blog page the other day and it must inspire a lot of people. Good on you!

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hey there...was just reading through ur blog yesterday, and what an inspiration you are :) i mean, i've always been fairly positive about being positive, but recently i've fall into a bit of a slump that's been hard to dig my way out of.

Living with HIV personally has been nothing more than the extra motivation needed to take better care of myself and get a killer body :P, but living with HIV in Asia (Korea and HK so far) and having to keep everything a secret from people is really what gets to me. I wish I had the balls to put my face out there like you do... I've done anonymous / faceless interviews and documentaries but none have made the impact that I feel putting my face out there would do...I mean look at urself! I love the fact that you're hot, young, and everything but what society has created as the look of a PLHIV. Seeing people like you, or Hugo Chang in Taiwan has brings me hope.

I'm considering heading back to the States this summer, but before I go, I am also considering coming out in Asia. Any suggestions on how to go about doing so...some of the obstacles you faced, some of the shit you've had to deal with because of it, or better yet, the positive things that have happened to you since you came out?

Also, forgive me for not informing myself on this, but in your blog it said you were on ARV, but went off it. How does that work? I was always under the impression that once you start you can never stop. Does it come back stronger? Does your body become more resistant to the meds if you stop after having taken them for a while?

Thanks for taking the time to read through this (assuming you've gotten this far!) Would be great to meet up in person sometime when I'm back on that side of the pond...or if you're ever over in Asia!

Take care and hope to hear from you soon :)

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Bry, i have never had a hint that you have the gift, until i read your story. I am very sorry for what your former lover did to you, please accept my apologies on his behalf. Well, i admire your passion to live, your strength to pursue your goal, and advocacy to let people live in spite of their sickness. I can understand, It's because i have this friend in Hungary, we could have been together but he refused, he told me he only got less than five years to live, he told me to live my life without him but i can not just do that. From time to time we have so many communication, undoubtedly i just can not live a day without him. I have loved him no matter what. While reading i gained more optimism, more strength, more wisdom, and a realization that i am blessed and that blessing should be shared. My dear, you will be in my prayers. By january hopefully i will be in London, i applied in this Post Graduate studies and very much eager and really can not wait (cross your fingers!) You are a very lovely man and a very good looking hunk too. Take care always and God be with us!