Another excellent blog contribution Papa.
THANK YOU for seeing the funny side of this.
Your movie posters have been a huge part of the blog.
And I appreciate every single one.
And all that you do to support me.
The rumor mill is HOT this morning with talk on Tim being 'terminated' soon from one of his 'Gigs'.
I read some 'tips' on Victorina blog over the last couple of days.
And I got an e mail today which of course I'm investigating.
As you can imagine, I'm trying to find out what I can.
My dream is for Tim to be fired from the Star.
And the douche bag Celine Lopez.
In that same dream, Shambassy burns to the ground (empty of course).
When Tim's at church.
So the Star can 're do' that section of the paper and hire 'real' writers who truly have their pulse on what's happening with the real Philippines/Manila youth. Instead of reporting on things AFTER they receive their goodies, trick bags and concert tickets.
Maybe not.
But... who knows...