my dear sweet grandmother who is 85 years young
my dear sweet mummy
Dear Readers,
What a couple of days I've had.
Family, food and laughter.
The best.
It's all wonderful.
This Christmas /New Years week, I'll be putting some finishing touches on the new blog PURE.advocacy, and I'm so excited.
I wanted to wait until POSITIVISM.PH was launched.
They worked so hard and I didn't want to interfere with their incredible program.
AND I've never been prouder to promote anything more than POSITIVISM.PH advocacy blog.
(Victorina is a VERY close second of course,hehehe)
Some of the people helping me with my new look blog are away for Christmas, so I'm using the time to write as much as I can for the re launch.
I just can't believe how electric the advocacy world is at the moment.
It's amazing.
Its taken more time than expected, but oh well, people are busy.
And I understand that.
Writing from an advocates point of view has it's challenges for sure.
Being patient is one of them.
And I am NOT a patient person.
Ask my mum.
She'll tell you.
I just ate my Christmas dinner.
My belly is swollen.
The food was incredible.
My relatives are crazy.
Explains so much really.