05 March 2010

Marie Osmond Kills Son

Outspoken Pro Gay Rights activist Roseanne Barr attacks Marie Osmond and her Mormon religion over gay suicides including Marie's son will killed himself last week

Mormon Marie Osmond and her deplorable followers confuse "homosexuality" with "depression". As a result, her adopted son killed himself because his Mommy is a fierce homophobe along with her entire family of Mormon haters.

Dear Readers,

Marie may not have killed him with her hands, but she killed him with her hate. Roseanne Barr published her opinion on Marie on her own blog and it's become the hottest thing on-line today!

Battle of the Mormons! This will be good!


Roseanne wrote-

"marie osmonds poor gay son killed himself

because he had been told how wrong and how sick he was every day of his life by his church and the people in it. Calling that "depression" is a lie!

Yet the Osmonds still talk lovingly about their church, saying nothing about its extremely anti-gay Crusade. Marie also has a gay daughter! Hey, I want her and all the gay kids in the world to know that they are just fine being gay and that they deserve love and respect instead of insults and rebuke! I have gay people in my family and my circle of friends and I am kicking bigot ass and taking names!

That is how its done in my religion—(I have my own religion that I made up for myself and it is a great religion that actually works and respects facts and not fantasy!)

Gerald Lund one of the ex church apostles has three gay kids himself.

Yet, even though the people they say they love the most in all of their public displays and speeches (THEIR KIDS AND FAMILY!!) are gay,– their own children,for crying out loud- these people cannot find the christian decency and compassion within themselves to stop their hypocritical gay bashing!!

How sickening. I know so many mormon kids who were gay and committed suicide, and I just cannot and will not stay quiet in order to not offend bigots anymore. It is all so terribly depressing.

Marie please don't talk about how your faith in your church has helped you get through this one! Please get some integrity and tell that church of yours that you will leave it and stop giving it ten percent of your money if they don't stop trying to destroy your kids' and all gay people's civil rights and dreams and hopes!!

G-d is trying to use you for something good and this is your opportunity! Your church is wrong and on the wrong wrong wrong side of things! Get as vocal about that as you are about your diet. G-d bless you too, Marie.

Take a hard look at the facts now as you use this very sad time for introspection, healing growth and prayer, and become a strong symbol for loving mothers who make no apologies for hatred against their own kids!"

"yes i know that people get mad at me for the things i say

here that they think are insensitive and unkind. I say what I think needs to be said, though, and I always will, even if nobody listens. I really could care less. My opinion is my own and is well thought out. I decided a long time ago that I would not cower and stay silent when I feel things are wrong, whether it wins me fans money or praise or the opposite of those things. I am not a wimp, I am no democrat!"

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