08 June 2008

Guest Writer Amiel Aguilar Cabanlig

Editor Dances to “Wake Up Little Soozy!”
By: Amiel Aguilar Cabanlig | YEHEY! Contributors
06 June 2008
[First part of a ten part series]

Part 1

“Was Soozyhopper borne of such loathsome sentiment or this gossip-monger merely contributed to such a contemptible superficiality? Why does Soozy do what he or she does?” These were exactly my questions just a few years ago. In a recent television interview ANC’s Media in Focus where I was asked about the topic of the Brian Gorrell blog, I was enthused by a statement made by veteran journalist Vergel Santos; that is “in covering a story, take the risk and go the entire 9 yards.”

Then, after a great deal contemplation, it just came to me. Geez, I realized that Soozyhopper was just there - right smack in front of my face. I made the calls using my network of moles and then tada! I caught Soozy’ red-handed! Alas, it is not YET my intention to out Lil’ Soozy in this article.

Let’s save the best for last!

Yesterday, I had a heart-felt tête-à-tête with Maurice Arcache. The nice thing about people like us that still value the uphill struggle is that we do not forget where we came from. Maurice was one of the few who helped me during my tribulations and he was one of the few who stood by me when I was down and out. I would not back-stab a person who has helped me over the years as one purported editor made Maurice think.

Mr. Editor, please stop your dancing to the tune of “Wake-up little Soozy”; it has long been retired and so should you!


Part 2

By: Amiel Aguilar Cabanlig (YEHEY Contributor)
09 June 2008
(Part 2 of a 10 part series)

What if? Thinking of Floy Quintos’ rendition to our national hero, Jose Rizal’s El Filibusterismo still gives chills up my spine. Entitled Fili 2, the play within a play, show students thrashing out possible scenarios of what could have been a triumphant revolution back during the Spanish era.
What if socialite, jeweler Crisostomo Ibarra (aka Simoun) successfully detonated a bomb that he planted during a grand fête he concocted (ala gucci gang), thereby killing most of Manila’s socialites and elites of yore? Would the change that Simoun yearned for come?
Would the idea of Dona Victorina being blown into bits and pieces find its way to its modern day equivalent, be equally enthralling? Yes dearies, I’m talking about the demise of the corresponding posse. Call me vile, but I know deep inside, the hapless masses would furtively take pleasure at that. When bad things happen to “bad” people there is morbid glee in their social downfall.

When Marie Antoinette callously said “let them eat cake”, she lost her head.

In today’s socially conscientious times, has the so called “guiltless generation” seem to have lost itself? Now, everyone and his gay cousin get to be involved in charity work; as if to wash away the sins of their checkered pasts. Personally, let them self-flagellate in a gay Santacruzan while I eat my own cake.
The act of charity work is but an afterthought for damage control for their sullied reputations leaves a bitter aftertaste to us mortals. Oh, and how they use to swagger, arriving fashionably late in sorties! As karmic retribution, their lots have metastasized to the whimpers of meek lambs. Is this true Clarrise?

The shirts print design released by the Philippine Daily Inquirer (Don’t Hate Me, Envy Me) caused a big stir in the academic community.
Revolutions do happen like the refrains in a tired old song; Wake up Lil Soozy? People are willing to fight for a just cause. It leads us to question the true intent of certain anonymous people. Smear campaigns fueled by spite alone, such as Soozyhopper, quickly loose their steam. History tells us that, an unfinished battle is a kiss of death.
On other hand, why did the Gorrell blog strike a vengeful nerve in the hearts of many? A far cry from petty “high society” mudslinging, his blog has quickly evolved. In his online pages, are names that broadsheets fear to mention. The proletariat's now speak up, whether on-line or in the hush corridors of Starbucks, against the so-called society arbiters that used to be deemed “untouchable”.

Who laments the loss of Dona Victorina in this day and (internet) age?

Indeed the new “blogsphere” started a veritable revolution that littered its landscape with bruises and shattered reputations. But, whoever said that revolutions were sweet and painless?

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