please sign the petition

Dear Brian,
Could you help your gay and lesbian brothers and sisters here in the U.S. and spread the word about "Seven Weeks to Equality" to your American friends and have them sign the petition . . .
here's the link:
Seven Weeks To Equality
click on link to sign
Take Two-
Your Name: Joelle
Your Email Address:
Subject: Thank You!
Message: Thank you so much for posting Seven Weeks to Equality. This is so personal to me and my girlfriend, along with thousands of couples like us. Nepal today, November 17th has just joined the list of countries that grant equal rights to ALL their citizens, regardless of sexual orientation. NEPAL! I hope the U.S. is not far behind.
Thank you Brian for helping us with our struggle. I hope one day soon, in my lifetime, we will all celebrate equality for all and we will celebrate with YOU! We all wish we were in your shoes, enjoying the freedom to be who you are and to be with the one you choose to love.
Again, thank you.