My birthday B bling
Dear Readers,
I feel such a strong connection with the month of February.
My birthday falls on February 27th and I always look forward to my birthday.
Pisces suits me perfectly fine.
Last year I had my second birthday party on Boracay at Hey Jude Bar and Juice Bar.
There was a massive storm on the night, and for a while I thought no one would show up.
But they did show up.
Of course they did.
It's Boracay.
It was by far the worst rain storm of the year the night.
It rained for hours and hours.
Relentless hard rain.
On my birthday.
We had the most incredible night.
My BF was a superstar and we partied until the power went out.
So to speak.
I also LOVE Valentines Day. This time last year, I took BF out for a VERY romantic dinner at The Lazy Dog Restaurant at Balabog beach. At the time I remember thinking how amazing it was to have Wagyu beef on the island.
This year, M and I are apart, but only for a few more weeks.
Soon, we'll be reunited and we can start our new life together in Canada.
It's hard to believe our dreams are actually coming true.
At one point the odds seemed stacked against our love because we live in different countries.
But true love always conquers all.
I'll do anything for my dear sweet Pinoy.
Where there's a will, there's a way.
M and I both love our friends and appreciate all the support from them.
It's a great month.
February, the month of love.
I love February.
I love M.
My Boracay posse at my Hey Jude birthday bash 08 in the rain, the best!