*****Attention Readers**********
This story is not new. It was printed nearly a year ago.
However I feel it needs to be printed again. Its good.
Yes, lets ship all the poor people over seas, to work their fucking asses to the bone, so you piglets can just party their blues away at the martini trough.
Get the poor and marginalized out of the city so we can build new ugly towers to house new ugly greed.
I don't think so. The concept is reptilian to the max.
Are you all happy to see families torn apart because they can't afford to pay the power bill? Load? Food for the kids?
Enjoy your champers Gucci Gang.
Embrace the cocaine.
Dance the night away.
Fuck charity. Right?
Get a new watch. Or car. Or maybe you should all get a life.
Yes, I think you all should.
DJ feels for some reason, that his self worth was unimportant, while growing up. Both his self esteem and sense of well being were sacfrificed long ago. Shed. Money and status for this guy. At the cost of anyone who stood in his way. Flash bulbs and air kisses. Click, click. Flash, flash! Blinded by the flashes.
His decency? What decency? Born without it. They are all responsible in some way for the vast space between the rich and poor in your beautiful country.
They pretend to be rich. All pretend.They are the ones that need to fuck off overseas and never come back. Learn what life is really about. Do some real work for a change. Your poor over seas work force. The actual Philippine's army that keeps you all afloat. In your glittering sail boats made from spun sugar.
DJ went the other way. The wrong way. Most of the Gucci Gang has.
The way of greed, snobbery, elitism and no regrets. Just pure lust for the next rung on the golden ladder upwards.
'People Power' is not just a label applied to an unhappy collection of whiners or poor lost souls.
It means gathering together like- minded people who crave change. Passionately. Who are fed up with the HUGE divide between the RICH Manila families and the security gaurds at The Pen.
Power to every person who craves change.
70,000 dollars DJ.
I will give 20,000 of it to CHARITY.
Look the word up mate.
Charity of your choice. My pledge.
20,000 to CHARITY
Think about it lost soul.
Good times are back for rich folk in Manila
First Posted 05:44am (Mla time) 03/13/2007
MANILA, Philippines -- On Saturday nights, Metro Manila’s urban elite throng to the invitation-only VIP room at Embassy nightclub, where foie gras and a flute of champagne are the de rigueur accompaniments to checking out the dance floor.
Imelda, the shopaholic wife of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos, made conspicuous consumption fashionable in the Philippines in the 1970s and 1980s when the phrase “Imeldific” was coined to describe acts of excess.
But her fall from grace after Marcos was ousted in 1986, a succession of coups and a sickly economy made worse by the Asian financial crisis reined in the spending.
Now, according to executives of luxury hotels, upscale boutiques and sports car dealerships, the good times are back.
“It’s a return to yuppiedom,” Tim Yap, one of Embassy’s co-owners, told Reuters. “Right now, the young generation is a generation that works really hard and wants to reward itself.”
Across the Philippines’ sprawling metropolis, the small ranks of the wealthy are increasing as record remittances from nearly 9 million Filipinos -- driven abroad by poverty and a lack of opportunity -- fuel consumer demand and a property boom.
High optimism
A record $14 billion worth of inflows last year helped swell the wallets of real estate magnates, retail chiefs and entrepreneurs back home and pushed the stock market up around 42 percent.
“The economy is doing well,” said Manuel Salak, county manager of ING Bank in the Philippines. “There is stability and more optimism and more investments are being made.”
Despite recent global market turbulence, the Philippine index is up 2.7 percent so far this year and projected remittances of $14.7 billion are expected to shield the domestic economy from future stock exchange swoons.
Optimism among Philippine companies is at a record high and top executives and entrepreneurs are buying new motors and diamond encrusted necklaces at up to P5 million ($102,600) a pop.
“There is a lot of confidence in the future so people are not afraid to spend, they can see that it’s going to get better,” said one of Manila’s top jewelry dealers, whose sales are up 15 percent on last year.
“We forecast even better times,” said the jeweler, who declined to be identified.
Suitcase bankers
Driven by Chinese industrialization, Asia is minting “high-net-worth individuals” --people with more than $1 million in financial assets excluding their homes -- at the fastest pace in the world.
But the Philippines, where political turmoil and a heavy debt burden have kept the economy limping behind fast-paced neighbors, was mostly under the radar for private bankers.
There is a clutch of super wealthy people such as Lucio Tan, the Philippines’ richest man according to Forbes magazine with a net worth estimated at $1.7 billion, but they are a minuscule part of an 87 million population, nearly half of whom live on less than $2 a day. Two other families -- the Ayalas and the Sys -- made it to the Forbes’ billionaires’ list and ranked higher than Tan.
There is no official data on the number of middle-income and high-income people living in the Philippines but in Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest economy, high-net-worth individuals accounted for just 0.01 percent of the adult population in 2005, according to a joint study by Merrill Lynch and Capgemini.
With wealth increasing and new investment opportunities opening up in the Philippines, the so-called “suitcase bankers” are now flying in, booking out rooms in the capital’s swankiest hotels as they comb Metro Manila for business.
Growing middle class
“My competitors are back,” said Salak. “You see the business class section of Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airlines full now.”
The middle class is also expanding as booming outsourcing centers hire thousands of 20-somethings. Entry level wages have risen as much as 69 percent since 2003 and the extra cash is frequently spent on eating out, clothes and nightclubbing.
“They are not going to go out and buy Louis Vuitton all of a sudden but they are looking at good brands,” said Vladimir Bunoan, editor of Personal Fortune, a new magazine aimed at young managers in the outsourcing sector.
“There is quite a number of people out there with enough money, I think, to spend on Starbucks every day.”
Guiltless generation
After the Marcoses, the wealthy adopted a low profile.
Kidnap fears and a degree of guilt about having so much money in a poor country kept many of the traditionally rich families circumspect.
But up and coming business people, many of whom are too young to remember the Marcos era, want to party and pamper, like peers in Hong Kong, Singapore and Shanghai.
“The younger generation, without connoting anything negative, is more passionate, is more brash,” said Wellington Soong, president of Jaguar Philippines, which sold 60 Jaguars and Land Rovers in 2006 and aims to sell 100 this year.
“Wealth is acquired at a faster rate. The impatience can be seen in their behavior.”
Over at Embassy, where Imelda’s grandson promotes Monday nights and the lady herself recently appeared for a twirl across the tiles, Yap said consciences were not bothered by the yawning gap between rich and poor in the city.
“There is this mind-set, which I think is so passe, that says: ‘The country is in shambles and the country is having a hard time and you are out there partying.’ But this generation is guiltless when it comes to that.” Reuters
******* note*********
Tim, you make me sick.