13 July 2008

Randon Acts of KINDNESS

there's always a rainbow after the storm

Dearest Readers,

I have a very special friend in Manila whom I adore and care for very much.

He posted this personal account of a very special experience he had only hours ago, on his facebook.
My boyfriend and I read it today and it nearly made us cry.
I was so completely touched by it ,that I felt compelled to put it on the blog.
Over one million people read my blog every week. So this message will be global as soon as I hit send.
THAT is the power of a blog.
Please read his account dear readers of his extraordinary experience.
It's both very touching and most important for us all to remember.
We must never give up on the Philippines. The country is a great one full of amazing beautiful people. And together along with the individuals in his story, we can all make it a MUCH better place for EVERY single Filipino.
This blog reaches all corners of the globe. Everyone needs to know that the Philippines is only going to get better with time. Embrace the country and support it through these rough times.
Please send in your own touching stories which will only remind us all that there are more random acts then we know about.



I want to share a small but significant event that happened to me just an hour ago. After working out in my gym in
Ortigas Centre, i went out to buy myself a little treat from a coffee shop across the street. I was greeted by light rain so i stood by the entrance porch to decide where to grab a quick late lunch. There was this guy in a blazing orange shirt with a golf umbrella that smiled and offered to walk me to wherever I might be heading out to. Thinking this was someone who could want a quick buck or worse, some psycho needing an ear to chew into, I politely said no and told a white lie that I waiting for someone. Several seconds later, I went to Starbucks, got a sandwich and then walked to my office under the rain. There was another guy with a similar huge umbrella and brazenly enough, took me under his rain protection and firmly but politely explained that they are rag-tag group from Alabang who wanted to offer random acts of kindness in the hope that I and other people who have accepted their offer will do it in return, sort of paying it forward, as I thought. In the short walk that we had, he even told me that I was one of the few people who actually accepted his offers. And then I noticed that the wide sidewalk of Emerald Avenue was littered with huge umbrellas as his group busily offers shade to people dotting the pavement. Indeed, most of them were also distancing themselves away, as I did initially, from these relatively dry group and would rather be doused with rain than accept an offer from complete strangers. My new friend stated that maybe people are not used to having kindness offered to them. I was really taken by it so I decided to write about it and share it with my friends and hopefully, pay if forward.

As I went up to my office, I was reminded by this discussion I had a couple of nights ago with a Spanish acquaintance of mine. He said, that in the short time he has lived in Manila, he had decided that the Philippines has a low chance of developing or even catching up with most of the supposed strong economies of the region. I actually was taken by his statement but admired by his honesty. For someone to believe that a country is without hope, especially if it is yours, is quite jarring. To my surprise, I fervently believed and even told him that I do not lose hope, even if the odds are against my country. True, I am supposedly migrating to the US, but only at the behest of my family. This is one of the core values of the Philippines and I think that is the reason why I said that I do not lose hope for my own native land. And my plan is to come back, not only because business is doing well, but this is my country, this is my home. And for this individual act to come to me at this crossroad, only fortifies my belief and indeed, hope of that someday the Philippines could really get up on it’s feet. Or at least sit down.

I forgot to get his name, my protector in his knight-enshrining umbrella probably because there was this little maelstrom that was brewing inside my head that prompted me to write about it. But this stranger, who said that rather than sit down in the comforts of their plush houses in
Alabang and promote their little advocacy, reassures that me that as some people do get up on their feet, then maybe the whole country can.

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