25 August 2008

Memories Still So Fresh

I was so fortunate to have lived on Boracay.
I lost so much but gained sooooo much more at the end of the day from my incredible experience there.
So much more indeed.
The best part for me was the friends/food/nightlife triple threat, because everyone would come out to socialize, drink and be merry. My mates would text and we'd get something together. Always. Just a few drinks and I'd be off to hug everyone and cut up the beach in bare feet.

We'd all have an abundance of revelry whenever there was a local friends birthday party or any excuse or no excuse. We just did.
Jaegermeister (sp?).... EVIL!
Tequila... EVIL!
But oh sooo delicious when your in a circle throwing them back with your buddies.
Then they are anything but evil.
Only evil the next day.

Every night was happening at Hey Jude! Bar and Juice Bar.
And Summerplace of course.
But Hey Jude was my #1 bar, and I highly doubt that any bar could affect me so much again.
The owners, the other locals, the staff, the food, the great music, the fuzeball game, the brown outs and all your friends. So great. So many perfect nights there. And Juice, well I danced in the rain there, and I'll never forget it. I've also worked the pole there with everyone else. The Orangedropper boys were there on my favorite nights EVER on the island. It was amazing. God Bless the Orangedropper boys in their matching swimming costumes the next day on the beach. GGGGGRRRRRRRR!!!!!! We loved those boys. Killed my hang over for sure.

I loved to dance while I was growing up. I was born with great rhythm (one thing at least) and with out any fear of embarrassment. So I tend to really bust the moves, if you get my drift. 'Try new things out', hahahahaha.
Make my friends proud. Either that or embarrass them. But fun is fun.

And because I lived on my farm for so many years, I kind of forgot what dancing with others was like for a long time. Yes I would dance alone with my ipod in the middle of the jungle.
Yes I would dance with Lucy and Pickles until I was dripping with sweat poolside.
I would break out dancing in my orchard, at the creek or on the decks on a rainy day.
But there is nothing better then dancing with your friends.
I always feel 10000% better after a good dance.

My b'day rain dance with my yaya Rose at Hey Jude Bar

So when I arrived on Boracay, I was reminded what having fun was all about.
This song Because of You was so huge during my year there. And I danced to it a hundred times with my friends. Usually once at Jude and another time later at Juice. It was brilliant because you could dance to the same song twice in one night.
Who can for get Beautiful Girl?
Played a billion times in the Philippines!
And 200,000 times on Boracay alone I'm sure.
Hahahahaha. Go Surf!

me and hey jude! dj surf

When the Philippines latches on to a pop song, they don't let it go for quite some time.
Until they're good and ready.
The nation often bounds together with a pop song. I've seen it.
You would hear the same song for months, EVERYWHERE.
Every night on Boracay was a wonderful night with some beers and some mates. Dancing in flip flops in the sand is the most wonderful thing in the world. Apart from bare feet.

the OD gang... HOT HOT HOT HOT BOYS!!!

I can't tell you how much I love this song.
DJ Surf from Jude Bar would play if faithfully almost every night for months. Everyone played it.
We demanded it. We craved it. We all loved it.
We all had the best dance moves going.
When the song would start, I would look for my two best friends and they'd be searching for me. We'd meet up on a patch of soft powdery sand and boogie oogie oogie til we just couldn't boogie no more.

I LOVE dancing with my friends.
This song is 'old' now but it's still my favorite dance/love song ever by a guy.
Because we HAD to dance to it.
As soon as it started.
Thanks Surf for all the great nights at Hey Jude!
And thanks Bryan for the most brilliant nights at Juice bar.


rain dancing all night at juice bar..... wet wet wet
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