31 March 2008

Support this Petition Against The Philippine Star

Please, please, please sign the on line petition against the Philippines Star's decision not to do the right thing.

Purge their paper of the rubbish coke head writers that should NOT be influencing the youth of the Philippines.

**************** http://www.petitiononline.com/nogucci/petition.html ************************

Numbers matter.

Every one of you counts.

Be heard the only way you can be.

By signing.

The statement matters.

A collective is powerful.

Determination is a mountain.

Only the Star can remedy the rage.

And until they do,
we will all keep climbing.

The Life of the 'Chut'

From Angelique Villaraza:

I used to be engaged to an Ape. His over sized head is almost as huge as his Hypocrisy. He calls the Philippines ... 'Monkey land' due to the idiocy of his construction staff and various half-brained locals. For him, they look like monkeys and act like monkeys.

Maybe he forgot to look at himself in the mirror. Large deformed teeth, tufts of hair shooting out of his shoulders ... I can't think of anything more gorilla-like. Don't judge a book by it's cover though. His distended belly is brilliantly created by copious amounts of gourmet cuisine.

Being pretentious, The Ape would proudly order his signature drink ... a dirty martini, in an attempt to look cool. Then he would actually Drink the martini and turn a deep shade of beet red from alcohol allergy. Thus looking very Uncool.

One day, The Ape invited me to view his company's model unit in SM Mega mall (possibly the world's most crowded mall). In good humor, I said that I would need a Pope Mobile to get through the sea of humanity in Mega mall. He replied, 'You act as if your shit doesn't stink'. Coming from him, this is a double dose of Hypocrisy and Verbal Abuse.

The Ape bought a shiny red Ducati Monster named Lolita. How anyone (or anything) can drive a high speed motorcycle through Manila traffic is beyond my imagination. Worse, he wears a fully padded helmet reminiscent of an astronaut, plus a fully padded jacket and metal padded trousers ... all in the extreme burning heat of the Tropics. Accosted by this atrocious vision, I was tempted to ask him ... 'Want a gourmet banana?'.


Chut is very lucky.
To have money.
So lucky.
FUCK, is he lucky.

Because let's face it.
Status and wealth are the only 'cheekbones' you need to fit in with the Gucci's.
It became apparent to me quickly, this fact.
You don't have to actually be a beautiful person to be a member.
You can actually be a hideous person, and get a membership card.

Look at Chut.
Look at Tina.
Look at DJ.
Look at the Yap. (Teeth dear, TEETH!), fix your fucking teeth. DJ too!!!!!

Ricky D???????

..... and the rest.

Ok, Wendy is pretty. I will give her that.
But she is also VERY spoiled and selfish. Inconsiderate. Ruthless.
Which makes her ugly as well.
Complete bitch is more like it.

The truth is.
All you need to be in the GG is a big dose of bullshit and bravado.
Not beauty.
Its all a game of poker.
The stakes are 'high' all right.

You have to work the cards that are dealt to you.
Bluffing here.
Bluffing there.
Bluff enough and the masses will fall into line.
They fold.
Enough glossy shots and they will believe too.
They lose everything and you get all the chips.
Fall into line behind 'make believe' resumes.
If you believe, they will believe.

I think Tina thinks she is actually thin.
I think she forgets she's so enormous because she is surrounded by 'bullshit'.

People latch on to free Willy's tit and never let go.
They see her as a ride to somewhere.
Suckling her milk jugs all the way to Nami.
I hardly think Tina Tinio is a career maker.
She only cares about her own.
They all laugh behind your back Tinio.
DJ, Celine, Tim and the rest.

You all need to wake up
I think Tim should read some of his article, then say sorry for them.
I think Jackie brought this on herself.
You did Jacks.

And Ana for goodness sakes.

Hiding your true self makes you look ugly. Afraid and ugly.
Why does everyone whisper and peep about your sexuality.
Big deal your a dyke.
Pussy is ok love.
Just mind the pubes in the teeth.

You must also have a passion for cocaine to be in the GG.
Every member of the GG does drugs.
Big passion.
I have seen people 'dash ' across Chuts condo towards the snort room.
Celine trembles when it arrives.
I saw it with my own eye's.
She is possessed by cocaine.

Everyone sits around staring into space.
Huge amounts of cocaine being delivered to the front door.
Drunk on Veuve. Smashed from drugs.
I watched in amazement.
Its all so fucking boring.
I begged DJ to come home with me.
But once he has a line of coke, he can't stop until it's all gone.

But its the one thing they all have in common.

Cocaine and fear.

And they all go to Chut's house to partake.
They like Chut because he has nice things.
They like Chut because he is successful.
A fridge FULL of french champagne.
He likes art.

The ladies.

Some people think Chut is gay.
I don't.
But Marco is.

Everyone must have art.
Lots of art.
Art coming out of your ass.
Your big fat hairy baboon like ass.
Art art art.
Visual pretentiousness.

Patrick is the only one with 'real' art.
I was blown away by his pieces.
Floored by his choices.
Amazed at how much he knew about everything.
But humble about it.
Mind you, he could hardly stand up right poor dear.
It was like a gallery, his place. He could charge people to view his art.
Not that Patrick needs any money.
That cat is really rich.
Filthy rich.
And sad.
Very sad.

But Patrick is not in the GG.
He confirmed that himself.
By writing to this blog.
They treat him like shit.
The GG.
Always have.
Always will.

Patrick just needs a REAL FUCKING FRIEND for once in his life.
You all use him and abuse him. I saw it first hand.
Leave him alone and he will get his shit together.
There is hope for Patrick.
DJ told me Patrick would just kill himself one day.
Intentionally or not.
DJ seemed to be ok with that.
Just accepted the possibility.
Mate, if you had no money, DJ would not give one fucking shit about you.
None of them would 'care'.

I was going to publish a post about Patrick earlier on this blog.
I'm not saying it was all going to be positive.It was not.
But it had more to do with what the GG says about him behind his back.
They will drink his booze.
Snort his drugs.
Swallow his pills.
Eat his lavish $$$$$$$$$$ food at his dinner parties.
But slam him in private.

They are SOOOOOOOOO jealous of Patrick's money.

Especially Delfin.

Everyone swarms around Chut's condo.
After party is always at his place.
Shoes are kicked off.
Eye lashes removed.
Dresses are shed and track pants take their place.

The cocaine gets delivered to the door.
Celine does the ten yard dash to fetch it.
Money is collected.
Ten baggies bought.
Let the party begin.

At one point DJ asked me if I wanted to go home.
I said now please.
He told me to go.
He would NEVER leave cocaine.
A million lines are snorted.
A million minutes wasted.

Chut, close your condo doors.
Walk away from these losers.
Or are you a loser too.

Your ex fiance seems to think so.

DJ Montano in Hong Kong?.... BEWARE fridae.com

I'm/ We're Gay Male
Age 35
Ethnicity Mixed Race
Height 169cm/5'7"
Weight 61kg/134lbs
Seeking Doesn't matter
Looking For Friendship, Love/Relationship, Action/Sex, Conversation/Email
Status Single
Location Hong Kong
Horoscope Aquarius/Ox
MSN Address djomontano@hotmail.com

Build Lean & Toned
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Facial Hair None
Body Hair Smooth
My Look Prefer not to say
My Mannerism Neither
Tattoos No
Piercings No
"Shoe" / Bust size Prefer not to say
Cut Cut

Religion Christian
Smoke Habit No
Role Versatile
How Out Are You Totally
Occupation Self-employed/Freelance
My Personality Extroverted/Social, Funny, Intellectual, Loving, Romantic, Serious
Languages Spoken English, French, Spanish, Tagalog
Best Attribute Heart
Drink Habit Social
HIV Status HIV-
I Live With Alone

Books/Reading, Computers, Fashion, Photography, Shopping, Travel
Clubbing/Parties, Comics/Anime, Dancing, Live music/Music, Movies/Film, Symphony/Opera, Tv/Videos/DVDs, Wine Tasting
Alternative, Classical, Dance, Jazz, Opera, Pop
Health/Sports & Fitness:
Aerobics/Exercise, Beach volleyball, Sailing/Boating, Tennis/ Racquet sports, Volleyball, Walking, Yoga
Cooking, Decorating, Entertaining, Pets
Alternative, Club kid, Conservative, Preppy
Things I'm Into:
Open to experimentation

More about me :
A fun & introspective guy, totally obsessed with music & art - I can't imagine life without it. I was privileged enough to have lived, studied and worked in some very interesting places in the world, it would be great to share my experiences with that someone special..

Business, teaching and writing keeps me occupied work-wise. Quite a romantic - I like long walks, nice dinners, and cozy nights where it's not just about 'that' but something more meaningful given the right guy and the right circumstances.
What I find important in a relationship :
Loyalty, trust, chemistry...you just know when it happens..would prefer no nonsense and beating around the bush please..
What turns me on :
Kindness, taste, intellect, character...a cute face and a fit body would definitely be more than welcome...


He won't tell you his shoe size?
But he tells you he is circumsized?
What a weirdo.

I have been recieveing e mails from my friends on fridae.com.
For a few days. Hence this post.

DJ is in Hong Kong at the moment.

He is in hiding.

From the truth.
His obligation to me.
His shadow.
You name it. Montano is hiding from it.

Just pay me DJ. And this will all go away.
But not another day sooner.

I'm sure DJ is on the prowl for more Ka-Ching.
He must be sooooooooo broke.
As broke as me maybe.

In fact, his facebook has been infiltrated my many people.
People have sent him messages, telling him to pay up.

I have friends on fridae.com who have also replied to his e mails saying the same thing.
No matter where you turn DJ, you will be reminded of what you did to me.

Why won't you accept my request for friendship DJ.
I have asked on fridae and facebook and friendster and Small World.
But you just bar me. Its funny.
Are you prepared to bar me for the rest of your life?
Is it because I have no more money for you to take from me?
You are moving on to the next mark?

You see DJ, all those great friends of yours.
They are turning on you.
Who wants to be associated with a grifter.
A thief.
A love bandit.

But I worry about the people on fridae.com
DJ spent over four hours on the site YESTERDAY.
Apparently he lives in Hong Kong.
TOO embarrassed to admit he is from the Philippines.
Everyone who reads this blog knows you live with your sister in the burbs.
Your entire world is a fantasy land DJ.

I worry about others.
I really do.
Because you see, I'm not a dumb dumb.
But DJ scammed me with such skill.
It really is breath taking how he operates.
I never stood a chance.

And I NEVER want another person to lose their life savings to HIM.

DJ is going through his list of contacts on fridae.com trying to line up some MORE investors for his scam restaurants.
He is trying to get one opened in Hong Kong.


Will he ever be stopped?
Looks like DJ might move to Hong Kong.
He lists it as his location.
What hope does he have in Manila?
And I will lose everything.
Because he will not pay me.

DJ dear, you are underestimating my reach.

I know where you are. I know where you are staying.
I know who you are staying with.
Your friends are turning on you.

One by one.
I am waiting for you to return to Manila.

Tomorrow right?

There is something waiting for you there.
A big surprise.

And I can confirm that DJ is in fact 'cut'.
Cut in half from the guilt.
Pay up Montano!

30 March 2008

The Manila Paris is in Paris.

Celine dear,

How is Paris?



When are you coming home to your reality?

To face your music in Manila.

My 'gorgeous' spy in Paris TRIED to take your picture, but her phone battery was dead.

Celine was spotted with another Asian girl.......Wendy we believe.

I have been told that Celine and Wendy are doing an ART course in Paris.

They can't take the heat in Manila.

Come home Celine. I have a surprise for you and DJ.

Celine, you can't run from this problem.

Paris is not the place for you dear.

Manila is. I want you to feel the stares.

I want DJ to feel the stares.

Because people will be staring.

And not because of your clothes Celine.

Because people know now what and who you really are.

This is NOT going away for you Celine.

Or Wendy.

But most of all, DJ MOntano.

******* One of the females was wearing the Gucci Guccisime leather boots.**********

My spy is a fabulous fashion student.

Thank you very much for this tip.

RACISM SUCKS!!!!!!!.... and DJ Montano has been FIRED!

From a VERY good source.

The Star has cut all ties with DJ Montano.

I recieved this information from a 'high up' at the paper.

DJ Montano has apparently been fired from The Star.
No more articles from The Deej.

We can all have a sigh of relief.

I KNOW, he had three columns ready for print.

I have read one of them!

So in fact, the STAR had every intention of keeping him as a contrubitor.

PLEASE get YOUR facts straight.

Being fired. Being terminated. Let go.

Call it what you will.

But Celine and Tim will remain.

For now......!


How could they keep these two?
After all we know?

To delete or not to delete?
This is the question regarding rascist comments.
Who is posting them?

What should I let through?

I am accused of being bias/slanted when I delete comments.
I am trying to be fair and balanced.
When I delete comments, people want to know what I've deleted.

Please defend your point of view on this blog.
Racism is a fact of life.
Even though it is hideous and ignorant to the extreme.

Like homophobia.
And sexism.
And descrimination.

We all have to deal.

It sucks, but its a fact.

29 March 2008

Television Interviews

Good morning and good day readers,

Today I start the next phase of my mission.

In my relentless attempts to get back my savings.
From DJ Montano.
I will stop at nothing.
Until I can get back to my life,
knowing I am secure again.

I can't move on.
I've tried.
A million times.
Just can't do it.

I have no money.
This is NOT fair.
I have lost everything.
I need balance again.
Its crippling.

So I have nothing to lose.

Prepare DJ.
This is only going to get worse for you.
Your friends.
Your family.

To think DJ.
You did all of this.
Not I.

I am only responding out of sheer desperation.

Wish me luck.

I am getting so much grief and flack because of my spelling errors.
Please give me a break. It's just how I write.
I don't care.
And neither should you.
There are bigger issues to think about. Bigger ones then my spelling.

BUT, if it bothers you that much, please feel free to send me a correct version and I will make the revisions.
And we can all sleep better at night.

If your a perfect speller. Good for you.
I'm jealous.
I am not.


No more posts today.
I need a day off.
With Lucy and Pickles.
And my interviews.


This is the subpoena I receivd last November.
Out of the blue.
On Boracay.
One sunny morning.
I was preparing for a special visitor.
My mom.

It was e mailed to me by DJ's lawyer.
I hated you for this DJ.
You are pure evil.

Just before my mom arrived to stay with me on the island for six weeks, it arrived.
I was already unwell at the time.
She was coming to relax and give me some mummy loving.
I really needed her at the time.
I always need her. hahaha.

I had been e mailing DJ. Sending his texts.Telling him I was unwell.
He knew my situation.
But he cares for nothing but money.
When he could not get anymore from me.
That was it.
I'm sure he hoped that I would just get AIDS and die.

My weight loss from the stress was obvious to many.
My Yaya cooked. But I just had no desire to eat.
I was stressed out when this piece of paper arive.
This subpoena.
I almost died.
I had no idea what it meant.
I had to get a lawyer.

I have NEVER been in trouble in my life.
I have never been charged with a crime.
I have lived in many countries during my life.
I have a perfect record.

The reason I have more then one passport is because I am a good citizen wherever I live.
I contribute and I always work hard for my passports.
I left Canada at twenty.
I moved to Amsterdam with a boy I loved.
I was very young.
But I had already spent much time in Europe in my later teens.
I was a very young gypsy.
But very grown up.

It was beautiful. That love. We are still very close friends.
His name is Peter.
And he is following my blog in Switzerland.
We were romantic and we were young.
And in love........ but I am degressing. hehe

It was timed.
This subpoena.
I'm sure.
I'm positive (quite literally). hehe
His lawyer was a complete bitch.
She was texting me everyday, convincing me she was trying to help me.
Meanwhile the entire time, she is trying to have me deported.
DJ, you make me sick to my stomach.
And your lawyer is a complete waste of time.
VERY unprofessional.

DJ knows how much I love my mom.
He spoke to her many times on the phone when I was still in Australia sending him all the money for our business.
He knows I borrowed seventeen thousand dollars from her to give to him.
I paid her back though. Sold my truck.
Because I am a decent human being DJ.
Why don't you ask your mom for money?
What would she say?
I though so.

You blew it mate.
And not just my dick.

My mom's trip to Boracay was big for both of us.
I was already nervous.
You all know how much I love my mother.
She is a very calm woman.
I did NOT want her having to deal with my shit.

DJ knew my dream was to have mom on Boracay.
She had worked very hard on my farm in Australia and needed a wonderful break.

And she ended up loving my single room and tiny bathroom.
I had no hot water, so I boiled our bath water everyday.
It was like camping. Brilliant.
She loved every second.
So did I.

I live a very no frills life.
Some people think I partied with the GG. Not true.
I was NEVER in the Manila scene.
Just a keen observer from the sidelines.
I knew the torture would pay off one day.
I have always been a very simple 'normal' (whatever that means) person. Like my mother.
Grounded. Secure. Basic.
She never complained about my small room.
She is used to a big farmhouse.
But we LOVED it.

My Yaya, my mother, my golden retriever, and myself for six weeks.
In my tiny little room.
We just loved it.
Brought us so close.
Talked about everything.
But not DJ.
NO way.

DJ never stoped trying to get me deported.
Or at least threaten me with deportation.
He threatened me.
His mother.
His lawyer.
Word got back to me on Boracay that DJ was going to have my snatched.
I got many texts warning me.

For nothing.
Except his cheap nasty accusation of assault.
Which was laughed out of the police station.
Which was rubbish out of the bin.
Absolute rubblish DJ. And you know it.

You punched the shit out of my heart and soul. Kicked my self esteem in the guts. Knifed my hopes and dreams in the kidney's. Convinced me I was unworthy of you. Told me I had no style. No fashion sense.

Me? No fashion sense.

Hahahaha, ok I'll give you that one.

Me? Unworthy of you?
Fat fucking chance ass bandit.

DJ woke up one day a while after our separation.
When he realised that I was not going to scurry off back to Australia with my tail between my legs...... he began to worry.

Go back?
After only three months?
Without my money?
Are you insane DJ?

Keep trying DJ.
Look at my life.
Now look at yours.
Your Facebook friends, you know dear, are only cyber friends.
They are not going to hold you when you cry.
Be there when you are staring at the ceiling.
Because you can't sleep.
Because your conscience is gasping for air.
Clutching onto crumbling rock.
On a cliff edge.
Looking down.
Let go DJ.

Delfin, I am so hitched.
To your wagon matey.
And were heading down the same road.
Until you pay me back, we are joined.

This subpoena means nothing to me now.
But back then, It terrified me.
To death.

I put it in a drawer and prayed that I would not be taken away during my moms visit.
I had the fear of god in me because of your disgusting attempts to do me harm.

DJ, you should have had me killed.
You dumb shit.
100,000 would have gotten rid of me.


You could not afford to have me killed DJ.
Celine told me she stoped you from having me hurt.
Is that true DJ?
Were you going to have me 'shot' on Boracay?
In January?

You were.

Not that you would know ANYTHING about that.

Right DJ?


Suck it Montano.

My Own Gucci Gang! NEW AND IMPROVED!!!!!! NO BITCHES!!!

Thank you Buddy for this great picture of you and your mate.

I love the poloroid shot.

You made the blog. Well done. Cutie.

I know your group was a sensation during the holidays.
I wish I could have been there with you all.
People have told me you were flying the flag for me.

I miss my friends soooo much in the Philippines.
You all look so happy and great.
I miss my mates on Boracay.

Good job Buddy. I know you made the shirt.
I also know you wore this shirt for four days straight during Holy week. Your a champion.
Word gets around. Ask me, I know.
(I hope your Yaya cleaned it after though, hehe).
I hear you told people who asked about the blog, my story.
Cheers to all of you guys.
You made this cat smile.

From ear to ear.

Thank you.
It gives me a tremendous feeling inside knowing your all keeping my spirit alive in the Philippines,
while I am so far away fighting this battle on my own.

You and the boys are fantastic indeed.

I hope you don't mind. I have obscured your faces.
I don't want the truly innocent being targeted because of me.
I am already dealing with some 'loose cannon's'.
And shocking death threats.
Three today.
For some reason, they keep threatening to kill my dogs.
What the heck did my dogs do.
Need a life much?

People have no courage.
They scream at me and hang up.
Only DJ has my home number in Australia.
Only DJ.
So he is giving it to someone to scare the shit out of me.
Or try.

Its exactly your pictures, that brought me around again after the phone calls, and reminded me,
that humanity can be overwhelmingly wonderful. Breath-takingly devine.

I want to print the group shot of you all, but I can't blur the faces.
UHG!! I'm really sorry.
But I WILL NOT have you harrassed by anyone because of your consideration, effort and humour.
Not on my watch.
There are TOO many of you in the group shot to blurr.
I tried. hehe.

But your all so cute, I will stare at the photo endlessly. I LOVE gorgeous Pinoy guys. And beautiful Pinay girls.

Excellent looking Posse.

If anyone else has made an effort.
Send me your picture please.
People really love them.

Thanks again.


28 March 2008

Lucy, My Other Wonder Dog.

My other dog Lucy had been moody the last couple of days.

Pickles told me it's because she wants to be on the blog too.

So here you are Lucy.

ABS/CBN........ Hello!!!!!

Fuck ME!

This is a long post!
Attached is a very good article. I read it a few times. You will find it at the bottom.

Sometimes I get so bloody frustrated with the Philippines.
I have been giving interviews today.
There are so many differences of course.
But so many of your laws are actually illegal here.
Its crazy what people get away with in your country.

I understand my blog has become a 'case study' for on line libel laws in the Philippines and Asia.
My lawyer is excited. I may be in the books after this is done. I am not excited.
Oprah, here I come. NOT!
Australian law is also looking at it. Very closely.
I have also been asked by several people for permission to use my blog for their thesis work.
Anyone can use this blog for their thesis. As long as I get a copy when your done. He he he.
I have already read part of one.
VERY GOOD Sara!!!!!! You are brilliant.

Australian laws are VERY civil when it comes to communications on the web.
It's why I came home to Australia. To fight.
My lawyer told me to relax.
They can't touch me here.
I am being contacted from people all over the world.
I am thrilled my words and messages are getting out.

And nervous. I start some television interviews this weekend.

DJ mate, you could have stopped this.
I gave you seven months to come good.
You ignored me.
Now look.
How does your mother feel about this?
Does she STILL believe that you are God fearing?
Are you ready to see me on television?

This blog is no longer just about my savings, although that remains and always will remain number one.
Its slowly becoming about other things as well.
Things bigger then money. More important to some.
Like freedom of speech.
The ability to write freely on a blog without rich families destroying your life.

I love the Philippines. So much.
Its a passion of mine. A deep passion. Has been for a long time.
The people are magic. The vast majority. Like any country.
Do not thwart my energy for your country.
Do not misunderstand where my loyalties lay.
They are with the people of the Philippines.
I want to write freely about your country and my experiences there.
I will not be censored.

My blog.
Go figure.
All this commotion.

People from all over the world have become involved with this blog.
I am thrilled.
Because it's not only about the money anymore.
BUT I still want it back.
Every penny.
70,000 dollars.


I found this article fascinating on so many levels.
Not only because my blog is responsible for firing up this topic again.
But because it is so full of shit.
SO many errors.
You should have contacted me ABN..... or are you allowed to?


There are so many mistakes in it as well.
BIG errors. Important errors that twist things.
Even if they are in my favour. Its still wrong!
Time line errors that distort the true journey of my life.
Errors that distort the truth of my story.
These people did not speak to me about these things.
They pulled from my blog and distorted the facts.

They have no problem printing my name though.
I was maligned, not DJ or anyone else on my blog.
You don't seem to care at all, that people are coming to your country and being fleeced blind.
Never doing anything wrong.
That's what your story should be about.
Nothing else.
Because if DJ had not taken all of my money, I would NOT have this fucking blog in the first place.
Cause and effect. Look it up.

So my question is...

If a leading National news organization can't get the 'basic' facts of my story correct,

then why the fuck are your lawyers squeezing their balls over this issue?

Let go of them boys and go have a pull. Let off some steam.

This entire debate in the Philippines is already smelling like old fish. AND ITS JUST THE BEGINNING. Or it could be poor Celine's breath.

I am thankful to the Inquirer though.

This is being reflected in my comments section (which is one lung of this blog). Printing the facts is a humorous, witty sort of way. I commend them for finding a way to keep 'normal' Filipino's and Filipina's informed about whats taking place in cyberspace.People notice Inquirer.
But the STAR is a disgrace.
Protecting their coke heads,
The frauds who write for their paper.
The fakes who have 'ghost writers'.

DJ MOntano
Celine Lopez
Tim Yap... and others.

Others will be names as well.
I will just keep writing until DJ has no choice but to do the right thing.
I did not LEND money to my ex. It was money for our restaurant that was just make-believe.
So I was 100% duped out of my money.

I don't have to explain anymore how stupid I was to trust DJ. I have already kicked myself in the guts a million times.
No more.
Nothing I did or didn't do changes the facts of my claim against my ex.

If the Lopez clan didn't own ABN/CBN, they would be reporting this blog. But they do own it.
Its a scandal.
The STAR is a scandal.
ABS/CBN is a scandal.
Redeem yourselves.
You can not ignore my blog forever.
It stinks already.
Get your collective heads out of the sand.

The hits that my blog generates is enough news for a fucking story.
Its good enough for the Inquirer.
Why is their paper escaping this mess.
Because they are not your paper. that's why.
Total waste of time.
Unfair and unbalanced.

But The Inquirer somehow manages to tell the story without being sued or threatened.

ABN-CBN (TV Netrowk) is owned by you know who. The Lopez Clan.
They also own Maynilad/MWSS (Water Utility in the Philippnes), Sky Cable (Biggest cable company in the country), Rockwell Malls, and many more realty development companies.

Wow, Emily, you struck GOLD GOLD GOLD.

A Picasso for your daughter Emily?
Are you fucking kidding me?

In your impoverished country, you give your daughter a fucking Picasso?
Sell that painting Celine and give the money to CHARITY.
You filthy fat cats.
You tacky over indulged parasites.

And DJ.
He is the BIGGEST parasite of all.

Fuck, it really pisses me off that ABN-CBN (TV Netrowk) has finally decided to comment on my dilemma...

and they get the whole thing wrong.

How can any of take this debate in your country seriously when your news organizations can't even PRINT THE FUCKING names of the people who are destroying the entire fabric and foundation of your country.
When Australian media starts their roll out, names will be mentioned.
Don't worry.

Your media has been hijacked by your media. Funny that.

The Philippines hasn't always been like this.
We all know that.
But do the young people?
Or their parents?
Can they remember any good times?
Are they growing up stifled?
I think they are.
I know they are.
Corruption is in the air. Its thick and everywhere.
You can smell it. Taste it. Step in it.
Like dog shit.
It really stinks and sticks.

You can't print names in Manila.
Hence the on going corruption problems.
People are terrified.
Really scared to talk.
I know that is true.
I don't want to argue with anyone about this.
Its true!

When Suzy had her blog, it created a ripple. A big one.
DJ told me.
So did Tim and Tina. And the rest.
All proud like.
The power was dribbling down their legs.
They were all obsessed by that blog while it was up.
Had to 'bunker down' apparently.
With their coke no doubt.
Snort until the problem goes away.
And it did.
Because they used their family power to alter your societies momentum.
Lopped it off at the knees.
Not me though.
They can suck it.
Suck it hard.

I wish I could read some of your blog Suzy. But you can't find it anymore on line.
Good on you Suzy.
Great effort.
I applaud your attempt to purge the vomit from Manila society.

A long time ago, I asked DJ what happened to Suzy's blog.
DJ told me they had it shut down. Fast.
Threatened her I believe.
Scared her.
Shut her down.
I was a little scared when he said that.
I thought to myself.
You had it shut down?
Foreign concept to a first world er.
You just can't do that in Australia.
People would march!
They would go crazy.

But apparently Chut was devastated to be called Mr. Potato head in the blog.
And Wendy was called a slut.
But you are Wendy. You are a slut.
Own it girl. Work it. Embrace your slutness. You earned your stripes girlfriend.
On more then one continent.
And Celine was being outed even back then as a do nothing coke head.
I am NOT the first to report on Celine and the DJ or the GG.
Just the most fierce.
And of course, Jackie's husband was already being whispered about.
Poor Marco.
Loves dick.
And DJ's.
Right DJ?

Tell Jackie that you've had sex with her husband.

Because I am starting to enjoy this blog.
I love writing.
Its been VERY therapeutic for me.
Trust me readers.

He fucked me so badly. I'm not sure how long it will take me to get over this.

Oh yeah, I remember.
This blog shuts down.
But not ONE micro-second before that day.

DJ told me once that he has done drugs for fifteen years already.
That's the night he told me he was finally going to go to a re hab facility.

I offered to pay and send him to America for re hab.
But he can't fly there. To America.
His family is banned because they are over stayers.
He was stopped once from entering the USA.
Turned away.
And I believe he still has problems travelling freely.
Secret family business.

His family is full of criminals and bandits. Decades of corruption and greed.
Lawsuits and tragedy. I know all about your grandfather and your father DJ.
People write and tell me so much. Even if half of it is true, then I understand you a bit better.
The fruit don't fall far from the tree.

And the Lopez clan.
Hole crap.
I could write a book just on the Emily/Robertito scandal.
What a whore.
And Celine is the whore daughter of the whore that is Emily.
Emily R. The Vatican?
Are you fucking MAD.

That crazy greedy evil bitch should NEVER step foot anywhere in the world in an 'official capacity for the Philippines'.
I personally will be an activist against it.
I will bleed through the eye's before she steps foot in Italy.

I will create a blog JUST FOR THAT ONE ISSUE ALONE.
You fucked up too much in your life Emily to be trusted with ANY post overseas.
You are a corrupt woman with no heart.
WHY do people hate you so much? Why Emily?
Why do people hate your daughter so much. Why Emily?
And your daughter. You should be ashamed.
Your son. Oh my god.
That poor boy needs to be committed.
In military school.

Who killed your father DJ?
Please tell me the truth.

You told me it was the Marcos's.
People are telling me who they suspect really killed your father.

And some people want me to come to Manila and go to court with DJ?
Are you mad? With his families fucked up history.

Some people are encouraging me to return to Manila and fight DJ in court.
You want me to come there and do battle with this 'Montano'.
You only have to look up his name sake on line to discover that they are a crazy bunch of crooks.
Like Tina Tinio's family.

Pigs. They have it all.
Between these few people, they own everything.
Control everything.
Keep everything.
When they really deserve nothing at all.

TREASON for steeling all the peoples money.
Jail them all.

No health care for your people! TREASON.
Third rate education for your people. TREASON.
Expensive $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ medications for poor people. TREASON.
Poor housing and accommodation for the vast majority. TREASON.

I call treason on all you fat cats and fat bitches who have prospered and reaped/raped your fortunes as a result of and on the backs of your fellow countrymen.

That's a ton of coke you did over fifteen years DJ.
He told me he used to fuck everyone in Manila.
This of course is AFTER we were together for a couple of months.
After the flow of money began.
A ton of drugs DJ.
How much money from other people did you use to sustain your habit DJ?
How much of mine?
Celine, how much cocaine did Marcel buy for you?
An ounce? Two?

DJ told me Marcel would buy you as much as you wanted.
That's why you had him around.
And for the art and hand bags.
And the rest. You really don't have any money do you Celine? Its all a big joke.
You've tricked everyone.
You are a poor Lopez. Right?
Inquiring minds want to know.

You kept him around to supply you with blow.
You and DJ and your friends.
Because first thing you told everyone after you met was how fucking ugly you thought he was.
You are a bitch Celine. A mean heartless selfish cow.
I can see why DJ was the tampon up your clacker for so bloody long.
You deserved each other all those years.
Thick as thieves.

Your drug habit DJ? You told me nothing about until you were caught.
You told me you would go to re hab when I got back from Australia.
Instead you had me taken away by the police. You never intended to go to re-hab.
WHY did you lie to me a million times. I came back to help you. To be there for you.

Not any more DJ.
GOOGLE your name DJ.
Go on.

Remember that night when I was standing in my jocks crying. The police taking me away.
Remember what I said to you mate, as I walked by shaking?
I told you that you would NEVER get away with what you did to me.
And I was correct.

It stinks that it has come this far.
But you messed with the wrong man.
And I will fight until my knuckles are bloody and raw.
You will never win this battle.
In fact, you have already lost.


And we are NOT supposed to write about any of them. We can't print their pictures in a negative light.
No links. No freedom. No shit!

Celine had been on dozens of magazine covers. That's private?
Their columns? Private lives?
Hundreds upon hundreds of photos are printed endlessly.
Featuring the same forty people.That's private?
That's a private life?
He also has a very small penis.

Tian Tinio. Private. You can see the bitch from Cebu.

Fuck you Yap. I hear you are planning an attack on me through the STAR.
Go ahead.
I have nothing to hide. NOTHING.
Do your best.

All these useless toilet rag writers do is write about themselves. That's private?

Most of these'flashbulb lunitics' have promotional deals and contracts. That's a private life?



Marco, you are in EVERY FUCKING PICTURE.

Sit your faggot ass down and relax.
Your popular, we get it.
But you are a camera whore.
And a coke whore.
And a cock whore.

So is Jackie. Poor girl never gets any though.
You are all tragic for the camera.
No privacy will be accorded to any of you in my blog I'm afraid.
You put your asses out their.
This is the flip side of that shiny coin kids.

They get moist from the though of it. The camera, that is.
I have seen them shiver when the camera approaches.
DJ can whip out his bronze compact, apply and put it back with out anyone noticing. He can also snort blow like that.
I watched him do it many times.
Total addict.
Exposure is like cocaine for them. Addictive for them.
Like a vibrator after twelve years of marriage.
Look at me. Look at me. Look at me.

I'm fucked off my face on cocaine.
Who gives a flying fuck about the poor people.
Who gives a shit about anything other then my next batch of baggies.
DJ, wake up you druggie.
Give it back to me.
Just give me back my money.

My lawyer told me you are going to try a 'test case'.
I hope you have a ton on money DJ.
It's not third world here.
You actually have to pay in advance!!!
So your fucked.

And the Lopez clan. Come fight me.Contribute to our economy for a while.
Build a home for a lawyer.
Because I will tell you one thing,
you will get a hiding in Australia.
The gays will be waiting for you.
Every HIV group will protest you.
Lets go.
Lets roll.
Next week. Australian news.
Prepare DJ.

I'm hard with anticipation.

And your lawyers, Celine, are going to try putting forward an argument that you and your cohorts are PRIVATE people.

Are you kidding me with this.
He sold his soul for his newspaper job.
Years ago.
To the devil.

Who actually does NOT wear Prada.
He also prefers Gucci.

And Celine's old lady, Emily. She is not a public figure?
Of course she is. She is a publicity junkie.
It's why she sacrificed her daughter.
For power and fame.
They all are public people.
Therefore they will be discussed on my blog.

I hate what Celine's mother represents in your country.
She sickens me like her spoilt rotten mean bitch of a daughter does.
You NEVER cared about my demise at the hands of your BFF Celine.
This blog is your therapy.
Absorb it.
Let it run through you.
Breath Celine.
Call DJ and tell him to end this.
And we can all exhale.

I know you are in London Celine. For the moment.
I'm keeping a very special post for you and DJ.
But I want you both to be in the country when I post it.
Because maybe the police might want to speak with you.
And you will need to be available.

I am waiting for the Philippines lawyers next move.

I understand that DJ and Tim Yap have had a meeting to discuss their strategy against me.
Oh Tim. You should spend your time trying to get through to your mate.
You know as well as anyone that he is guilty of what I claim.
They are planning an assault. I'm ready though.
I also know that Tim said that DJ still denies owing me money. Still. And that this is a lost cause for me.
I disagree.

Check mate!

Online libel: Aussie blogger’s victims are helpless

By CARMELA FONBUENA ( Carmela, your an ass. I am only 38 years old. You just defamed me bitch! Pay up!)

Early this month, Australian Brian Gorrell, 40, signed up for a free blog account. His blog—on stories about love, money, betrayal, violence, and crimes of the young party-going segment of Philippine society’s rich and famous—has since gripped hundreds of thousands, growing into an Internet sensation.

It has also become a case study for online libel laws as those who feel they have been defamed try to seek legal redress.

Readers in China , Canada , Australia , Philippines —especially in the Philippines —and other parts of the globe have been checking out Gorrel’s blog religiously. In a single day, he draws an online traffic of over 50,000. That is very high for a personal blog.

Other bloggers and even foreign media organizations including various Philippine media groups have also picked up his story.

Why the fuss over this blog?

His blog—a personal account of his experiences with a Filipino ex-lover—has all the elements of controversy. In the process, he tells all about the sons and daughters of wealthy families with whom he hang out when he was in the Philippines. Once or twice, familiar big political surnames are dropped, too.

He writes about a model allegedly cheating on her influential husband, a popular events organizer allegedly selling drugs in his parties, personalities who are supposedly drug addicts, and other ugly details about his former friends.


But Gorrell says that the purpose of the blog is not to shame all his former friends. It is the means to an end, which is to get back the money that his former lover allegedly stole from him. It amounts to US$70,000—his lifetime savings he says—which he invested in a joint restaurant business with the former lover. The restaurant turned out to be non-existent, so his account goes.

Gorrell writes that they had a violent fight after he began asking the former lover about his investment. One thing led to another and Gorrell had to fly back to Australia .

And then the blog was born.

In every post, Gorrel always begs for the ex-lover to pay him back. “Pay me back, [name of Filipino lover] PLEASE. I’m begging you to end this for me. I need the money. My medication is not cheap. My HIV is not going anyway anytime soon,” he said in one post.

Comments on Gorrell’s posts show that a majority of his readers believe his account. That he is HIV positive also generated a lot of sympathy for the Australian.

Lawyers’ concerns

Unknown perhaps to Gorrell, his blog has also stirred up the “interest” of some Filipino lawyers who are not in any way related to his characters. Lawyer Edwin Lacierda, an expert on Constitutional law teaching at the Far Eastern University and De La Salle University, is among the unexpected visitors of Gorrell’s blog.

More than the scandals, it is the legal implications of the blog that Lacierda finds interesting. Even University of the Philippines College of Law lawyer Theodore Te finds the unfolding Internet scandal “exciting” for the legal community. He first read about Gorrell in the newspapers.

Gorrell is right when he said, “it has become bigger than me,” referring to the blog. Although not the first of its kind, Gorrell’s blog intensified discussions on how, if at all, the Internet should be controlled.

When Gorrell posted his stories on the Internet, they began to have lives of their own. At one point Gorrell decided to shut down the blog. But after receiving 3,000 emails all over the world asking him to revive it, he did.

There’s little he can do to moderate the comments, too. Gorrell himself, creator of the blog, lost control over it.


Based on his scan on the blog, Lacierda finds “cause of action” for Gorrell, citing several image copies of his bank documents.

On the other hand, Lacierda also finds Gorrell’s statements “libelous.” “They are malicious,” he said.

This is the reason abs-cbnNEWS.com/Newsbreak is not divulging the identities of the Filipino characters—most of whom are not public figures.

UP Law professor JJ Disini agreed with Lacierda’s assessment of the blog. “I think that the statements are libelous,” he told ANC’s Media in Focus on March 27. He explained that while some of the characters in Gorrell’s blog are famous, the libelous statements have nothing to do with what they are famous for.

Aside from libel, Disini said that Gorrell may also be charged with blackmail. “Blackmail may be a crime where he is from.”

The other characters who have been dragged were treated unfairly by Gorrell, Disini said. Gorrell also wrote uncompromising details about the former lover’s friends in an attempt to get them to pressure the former lover to pay him back.

“In a very basic level, that’s unfair,” Disini said. “[They are] being used as pawns to get the money back.”

Settle in court

Gorrell and the Filipino characters in the blog have several legal options if they intend to bring the matter to the courts. The easiest way is for Gorrell to come back to the Philippines, the lawyers said.

Gorrell can file criminal charges against the former lover. After all, the alleged crime of the Filipino ex-lover was committed here. The former lover can also file libel charges against Gorrell for his allegations.

What makes the situation “interesting” is the fact that Gorrell is not inclined to go back to the Philippines or file charges against the former lover. “No way,” he said in one post. “I have absolutely no intention of spending the next three years of my life battling a liar or thief in your court system in Manila. I have experienced enough of the corrupt process you call law in the Philippines . I’m done. You will never get me into a courthouse in your country. Ever.”

It is clear in Gorrell’s blog that he wants to settle the matter out of the courts. And until the former lover pays him up, the blog and the ugly revelations will continue, so he says in the blog.

Maligned Filipinos want blog stopped

Naturally, it is the Filipinos maligned in the blog that are resorting to legal options to stop Gorrell’s blog. The Filipinos’ lawyers have gotten in touch with Gorrell to convince him to bring the matter to the courts, but to no avail. Gorrell published the entirety of the lawyers’ letter in his blog, too.

One of the subjects has called on the Philippine government to cooperate with the Australian police. Gorrell received a visit from representatives of the Philippine Consulate in Australia who was accompanied by Australian police, but that didn’t stop Gorrell from blogging. According to Gorrell, he was not charged with any crime after the visit from the police.


“It’s technically a stalemate,” UP’s Te said of the situation. Although there are other legal actions that the Filipino characters may take, they are both “tedious” and “very expensive.”

The Filipino characters may file a civil case against Gorrell in the Philippines even if Gorrell is in Australia . Although lawyers said this option hardly makes any point because Gorrell has no properties in the Philippines .

Another option is: they may try to get Gorrell extradited to the Philippines to face the criminal case. However, the Australian government will surely protect its citizen, Te said. Libel may be filed as criminal case, civil case, or both.

Still another option is to file the case in Australia . The problem with this option, aside from being very expensive, is that the Filipino characters will lose home court advantage. Unfamiliarity with Australian law is clearly a setback, too.

That laws for the Internet remain to be clarified doesn’t make it any easier. In the Philippines , Internet bills are still pending in Congress. “The definition of libel may be different in Australia ,” said Te.

Dangerous precedent

Former Bb. Pilippinas Ana Theresa Licaros understands the difficulty of dealing with online libel. After she won the pageant last year, several hardcore pageant fans who were not fond of her began posting critical statements about her in online forums.

Although she recognizes that as a beauty titlist, she has become a public figure, “sadly, some of the posts are bordering on defamation,” she said.

“I found it really bothersome the way they posted my photos and compared these with other beauty pageant winners. Among the less vulgar comments they would say about her was ‘mukhang barangay tanod.’ I was knocked off for being the smart girl. They say that it’s not a quiz bee.”

Aside from currently taking up law in the University of the Philippines , Licaros also finished a broadcasting degree in the same university and graduated summa cum laude.

Licaros consulted Te, who was her professor. Licaros considered filing libel charges against her critics. She went to the extent of tracking the IP addresses of the anonymous persons critical of her. She found out that they usually use just one IP address, which means that her critics may be using an Internet connection at home or in a regular internet café.

Licaros could have asked the help of the authorities to help her track the IP address, until she decided to reconsider filing a case. “Even if I was personally hurt, I decided not to pursue a case. Although I was really tempted,” she said.

Knowing that the laws on cyberspace are still being defined, the lawyer and the media student in her feared that the “result might extend to other areas of speech that I don’t want to be curtailed.”

For the Straight Men Who read My Blog.

This posting is in honor of all the poor straight guys who read my blog.

And suffer through all the gay stuff.

You are most likely tired of all my 'pink' problems.

So this is just for you.

Some real 'high society'.


The FIVE Stages of Celine

She starts off ok.

But then she has a bump. Then a snort.

A line.
A bag.
A pile.
A shitload.

And before you know it, she's bugged eye's and flying.

Off her face. Usually being held up.
I have seen her eye's roll back in her head.
Just wasted.

DJ would tell me thats just how she was.
Could not live without drugs.
Like DJ.
It clouds their minds.
Makes them feel invincible.
I know.
Like they can do anything.
And they do.

To others.
Innocent people who are abused.
Crushed because of the stupidity in their heads.

Lie, steal, cheat, fool others and trick the world.
But now you are tricking no one.

But at the end of the day, your only as useful as the baggie that carries your addiction.

27 March 2008

The REAL Gucci Gang



You have got to be kidding me.

Because I am using this blog to pressure DJ Montano to give back the money he STOLE from me.
Because I told him I would only shut it down after he made good.
I stick by that.
Let's go to court.
It all sounds very dramatic.
Like a tragic soap opera.

Fat chance fuckers.
You can try, but you will not succeed.
We have seen so far, the 'lawyers' that have thrown shit my way.
Nothing stuck.
I will post anything I get on my blog.
I will keep nothing out.
I will shame anyone who participates in any attempt to silence me.

I want my money DJ Montano.
If you think this is blackmail, you're mad.
You just stole my money from under me.
Money for our business venture that never was.
You TRICKED me mate.
God will be your judge and jury mate.
You got your money your way.
And I will get it back my way.
You are in the Blogsphere forever now mate.
No court case will ever delete your name from cyberspace.
You NOR Celine.

I'm just glad I will never be seeing you in heaven DJ.
Because mate, you ain't going up there I'm afraid.
But I will be there.
With the thousands of beautiful magical souls that touched me through this medium.
You will NEVER take this experience away from me. You have already taken so much already.

The fight.
The stress.
The will.
The determination.
Makes me healthier every day.
Reminds me what I am. Who I am.
A good person, who just made bad decisions.

But that does not nor ever will change the fact dear DJ,
that you tricked me from day one for my cash.
Admit it.
Do the right thing and give it back.
So I can move on.
So we all can move on.

And yes, I will shut the blog off.

I am soooooo ready for justice.
My justice.

Philippines legal circles are toying with the idea of having me charged with blackmail.
This is confirmed by my lawyer.
I found out this morning.
Go ahead.

Make my day.

This made me laugh out loud.
Then cry.
It felt good.
Then bad.
But then I pulled myself together and had a great big huge fat enormous laugh (aka as the Tina laugh)
Look, the bottom line, is this.

I am about to hit Australian media VERY soon. Next week. Big time.
Australians will go crazy when this hits the media.

I am also filming a television interview on the weekend for the Philipinnes.
There will be a BBC interview as well.
I'll get my ass on the fucking Oprah fucking Winfrey show bitches.
It's just a matter of time before this gets even bigger.
I will always have truth on my side.
So if anyone thinks, I am shying away from my original only ONLY objective from this blog,
you are crazy in the head.

I am a fighter.
I will go to court.
I will create so much press attention,
I'll make my money back somehow.
I will do battle with anyone from your country and any fucked up lawyer from my country who would DARE take the side of a corrupt bunch of ass holes.

Don't fuck with me fellas.
This ain't my first time at the rodeo.
You want to see a cowboy?
Try having me charged with ANYTHING.

I will not only win.
I will inleash the bull with the biggest horns.
And you can try to ride that.
I have nothing to lose.

But the people who are threatening to have me jailed.
You have everything to lose.

Because public opinion will NEVER be on your side DJ.
Or the GG.
Because people know what's right and proper at the end of the day.
Because I will fight your system in Australia.
I will shout my victory song upon this nation's rooftops.
When I win.

Then I will sue you DJ.
For theft.
You name it.
I will keep your lawyers so busy, you will need to steal more money from another unsuspecting queer.
And your sister.
And you family.
I will sue your paper DJ. The Star.
I will sue the whole fucking lot of you.
Because somehow,
I am going to recover my savings.

And in the process,
I will unveil to the world the hypocracy of your corrupt country.
The main players in my story.
All of them.
Your lawyers and judges (not all) are used to crushing truth tellers.
No one pays attention to the Philippines at the moment.
Because of this corrupt reputation around the world.
This blog is my attempt to contribute to the much bigger discussion that I could not possibly mediate on my own.

I have researched the Philipinnes for dozens of hours on the computer.
I read everything I can find.
I want to be up to date with everything.
I do not want to be accused of not knowing the facts.
If I did not LOVE your country, I would not care.
I would not have let the main issue spread out into other domains.
I just find it all fascinating.
Like the rest.
I am learning so much in the comments section.
DJ, your lawyer, family and freinds should read my blog.
Give them the link dear.

The saddest thing of all is, that I LOVE the Philippines.
I lived there and I loved it.
Boracay was a good place for me to be.

I was REALLY on the other side Yap.

I just met the worst person I could possibly have met,
at the Peninsula that day. The day I arrived.

Even with all of this happening, I hope to come back to visit my friends on Boracay.
And Manila. One day.
Because I have many beautiful friends in Manila.
I know they exist.
I just stumbled into the wrong basket that contained the rotten fruit of Manila.
And the flies are still following me.

But I don't think I will ever be able to come back.
I'm sure I would be arrested at the airport.
Quite sure.

I attached a picture of Pickles.
Just because she is so bloody adorable.

Women of Substance


Word has reached me in Australia. From more then one source.

There is a big effort by a few people in Manila, to hack into my computer.

They are trying to hire someone.

I'm surprised that DJ doesn't do it himself.
He is quite good at that.

Delete my files.

Destroy my work.

The comments.

Shut it down.

It's the only way for them.

They will never shut me down.

I have so many more stories to tell.

And you know it.

26 March 2008

Now....... THIS is a Mag!

FREEDOM OF SPEECH?.... NOT in the Philippines I'm AFRAID

Please find attached an article out today about the blog.
I LOVE the Philippines.
I lived there and grew there.
Filipino's and filipina's are my sisters and brothers.
My heart is full of love for your people.
So much love.

But that does not change the fact that your system would be against me.
If I came back to Manila to fight in court.
I KNOW that.
Lawyers in Manila warned me.
I listened.
My mom was with me. She listened.

DJ Montano stole my life savings.
We all know that.

That is the only thing these people should be worried about.
These people who are worried about bloggers and such.

I was NOT a blogger until your fellow countryman stole all of my money.
He drove me to this blog.
Its DJ's blog.
I created it just for him.
I hope he likes it.

People come to your beautiful country, not to battle in your courts.
Not to lose even more money because of the corruption and shady characters involved.
This is my battle.
I will fight it the way I see fit.
NOT in a Manila court house.
No thanks.
been through enough torture with the ex.

Yes, I will make mistakes.
I am only human.
Not everyone will like my decisions.
I have to live with that.
And I do.

I will fight any attempt to shut me down and shut me up.

I will NEVER EVER stop my fight for balance and justice.

Your country can try to beat me down.

They will fail.
DJ will fail.
He already has.
But I am not yet done.
He still has my money.

My country will neither prosecute me for my free speach nor would they ever extradite me to the Philippines.

This blog is everything to me at the moment.
Its the only shread of hope I have.

You think that will be taken away from me?


Reprinted hot off the presses.
The Brian Gorrell Story on Media in Focus
Published by: yuga under: Blogosphere.
posted: March 25th, 2008 (Visited 420 times)
Since the Brian Gorrell blog has emerged a couple weeks ago, I tried to steer away from it because of its libelous nature. Obviously, tens of thousands of people are visiting this Australian guy’s blog about his Filipino ex-lover and the $70,000 money the latter owed him that it has gotten him much attention from the press. This evening, we taped the panel discussion at ANC’s Media in Focus discussing the social and legal ramifications of this phenomenon.

Anybody who’s been following his blog knows the scandalous posts and pictures will only attract libel suits. Lawyer’s of the parties involved have made their moves so far, though nothing concrete has been done. Google, the owner of Blogger.com where the BlogSpot blog is being hosted, has been sent a letter of request to take down the blog as well (not sure if it’s a C&D though).

What other bloggers who have been religiously covering this issue is that they’re also accountable about the spread of such libelous acts and can be held liable in Philippine courts. That’s according to Atty. JJ Disini who was also one of the resource speakers of ANC. Even JV Rufino, EIC of Inquirer.net, said he made sure all their articles (9 so far and counting) steer clear of identifying names, linking or publishing URLs.

Here’s what could get bloggers into trouble if they’re covering the issue.

Publicly mentioning names of people being exposed in the blog.
Posting pictures of the people being named by Brian Gorrell in his blog.
Publishing the URL of the blog or linking to the blog.
Quoting a libelous sentence on the blog or re-publishing/summarizing allegations thereof.
The personalities and families of the people being exposed in the blog are desperate to end this and looks like they’re doing everything they can to stop people from talking about it and they will include bloggers too.

Watch Media in Focus on ANC this Thursday to learn more about this issue. We tried real hard not to name names or mention the blog. The only name we can really talk about in the segment was Brian Gorrell himself.


The person who wrote this can't even mention names.
A disgrace to REAL journalism.


Are you living in the USSR?

What ever happened to freedom of speech?

Holy Shit!

25 March 2008

The Roo and the Carabao

He he he..... I thought this was funny.
Thanks guys for making this. I love the little joey in the pouch.
I hope he didn't get injured during the fornication part.

I'm not so sure that my ex boyfriend is going to like this though.
He tells people he is a top.
But hey...


It's nice for me to fuck DJ for once.
Lord only knows how many times he's got me in the back.

Keep them coming please.
What ever lightens this blog up ocasionally, has to be good.
For all of us.

Ha ha ha

FAKE! FAKE! FAKE! Eat My Birkin Biotch!

I am calling a FAKE on this bag. Fakola!

A big huge fat FAKE, otherwise known as the "Tina' of all fakes.

I know for a FACT that it's not a 'real' Birkin bag.
The point is Celine, why try to be something your not?
And in the process, fool others.

Come clean Celine.
Where did you get this bag?
Where is now?
DJ has fakes too.
He used to get very defensive when I would ask him.

I wear bench.
Its even better when its on sale.

There is no shame in owning a fake Celine.
Or in your world, a 'faux'.

They say you are what you own.
Or you are what you eat.
Or you resemble your dog.
Oh I can't remember.

Of course I am joking.
There is everything wrong with wearing a fake.
There is everything wrong with wanting or needing all the expensive rubbish you have.
Give it all away girl.
Its all just stuff that is stopping you all from growing.
Cleanse yourself.
Put to bed your greed and lust for things.
You only crave them to make you feel superior to others.
Your just barely a Lopez love.
Cool your jets.
Be an example for others.
Stop enabling people like DJ. Stop looking the other way when he is destroying the lives of others.
Its what 'best friends' do.
You can't dash away when things gets ugly.
With your fake bag.
Naughty Celine.

Tell DJ to do the right thing Celine.
And this will all go away.

And DJ.
Oh DJ.
More with you tomorrow.
I am so waiting for your lawyers.
My paper work is almost done.
I had to replace the files you stole from my hotel room.

But don't worry Celine dear.
Because one day your clever mother will get her sharp tallons on Albertito's money.
Like your BFF got mine.
And you will be set for life.
And so will you DJ.
As I'm sure you will sponge off of your friends forever.
And steal from your lovers.

some douche bag will marry you dear.


Another addict no doubt.
Its all you seem to attract.
They are the only people who want to be with you.
Other coke heads.

How many other 'bags' that you own are faux?

How much International fashion do you own?
Blah, blah, blah.
It all means nothing.
Give it all away.


Who bloody cares!

Charity Celine. Give it all away to charity.

Ahhh.... The Life.